College-level Programs

Many healthcare careers require college degrees. Tens of thousands of 1199SEIU healthcare professionals have earned degrees with the support of the Training Funds. Choosing a school and degree to pursue can be challenging. We are here to help you plan your path wisely, and our programs, advisors and resources will ensure your success.

Get academic and career advice from industry professionals!


The Health Careers College Core Curriculum (HC4) Program helps you as an undergraduate adult learner if you have little or no experience in higher education.

Nursing Programs

The Training Funds provide financial assistance case management, academic advisement and support if you are enrolled in a nursing a program.

Skills Enhancement

Skills enhancement training helps you adapt and thrive in a quickly changing healthcare industry. Training offers real-world learning experience and competency-based instruction.

Registered Apprenticeships

Registered apprenticeship is an earn-while-you-learn industry specific training model that includes on-the-job and classroom training, financial rewards for skill gains, and results in a national occupational credential upon completion.

Financial Support

Financial assistance is available if you are pursuing an undergraduate, graduate or professional degree.

Educational Support

Learning Centers offer you educational support, tutoring services, workshops and access to a variety of academic resources.

Has It Been a While?

If you’ve been out of school for years or never attended college before, HC4 will help you get up and running without missing a step.

Health Careers College Core Curriculum (HC4) is a supported program for undergraduate adult learners with little or no experience in higher education.

Getting a Healthcare Degree Just Got Easier

Financial support is available if you are pursuing an undergraduate, graduate or professional degree.