Get Moving

Your body in motion plays a key role in your overall wellness. Staying active improves immunity, strengthens your heart and bones, and boosts mood – and that’s just for starters.

Your body in motion plays a key role in your overall wellness. Staying active improves immunity, strengthens your heart and bones, and boosts mood – and that’s just for starters.

Boost Your Fitness with an At-home Class

Get a great workout – and have fun doing it – with dance, yoga or another online fitness class in the comfort of your own home.

Tykar W

WeightWatchers guides me to choose healthy options. And since I’ve lost weight, I don’t have pain in my knees anymore and I feel more energetic —which means I can enjoy more time with my kids!

Tykar W., 1199SEIU Member, Mount Sinai

WeightWatchers guides me to choose healthy options. And since I’ve lost weight, I don’t have pain in my knees anymore and I feel more energetic —which means I can enjoy more time with my kids!

Tykar W., 1199SEIU Member, Mount Sinai

Have you started yet?

Take the next step toward better health and reach your goals with WeightWatchers. Learn More!

A Message from Manisha Kulshreshtha, MD

The concept of healthy living begins with mental health and incorporating routines and habits that promote and improve health and wellness. Making slight adjustments to a healthy diet, incorporating exercise into your weekly routine and promoting mental health will deliver amazing outcomes to our healthcare heroes and, in turn, our patients.

A Message from Manisha Kulshreshtha, MD

The concept of healthy living begins with mental health, and incorporating habits that improve health and wellness into your daily life. Making slight adjustments to a healthy diet, incorporating exercise into your weekly routine and promoting mental health will deliver amazing outcomes to you, our healthcare heroes and, in turn, your patients.

Opportunities to make these adjustments come in big and small sizes, such as joining a gym, beginning group exercise classes online or in-person, stretching on your own or walking more each day. More exercise is best supported by eating more healthy foods as part of your regular meals. These small changes can add up to big differences in your body’s health over time and strengthen the positive transformation in your mind and body. Improving your body’s health improves your mental health, and improved mental health encourages you to improve your body’s health.

These healthy habits are best supported and reinforced in partnership with your primary care physician. Building a strong relationship with your primary care doctor means seeing him or her when you’re feeling good, not just when you’re sick, including an annual health assessment to ensure you receive the necessary screenings and care to keep your mind and body healthy.

Know Your Fitness Numbers


Numbers you should know to take control of your heart health

Preventive screenings help you detect a chronic condition or illness in its early stages so you can learn how to manage it and stay healthy.

Schedule Your Screenings for the Year

These screenings are also an excellent way to check how well you are managing an already diagnosed condition. To get screened, visit your doctor or go to an 1199SEIU health fair at your worksite.

Your Benefit Fund’s Chief Medical Officer recommends that you follow these screening guidelines.

Screening Beginning at age How often?
Physical Exam All ages At least every year
Eye Exam Age 40+ Every 2 to 4 years
Blood Pressure Screening Age 18+ At least every year
Age 18+
If your initial test results were abnormal, or if you’re at higher risk of heart disease
Every 5 years
As directed per your doctor
Glucose/Blood Sugar Screening for Diabetes*
Age 45+ With every annual checkup
Bone Density (osteoporosis screening)
Women: age 65+, as well as younger postmenopausal women who have risk factors or who have had a fracture as an adult
Men: 65+
Women: Once, then as directed per your doctor
Men: Discuss with your doctor

Cancer Screenings

Colorectal Cancer
Age 45+
Colonoscopy every 10 years or Fecal occult blood test every year or Cologuard every 3 years
Ask your doctor which test is best for you.
Cervical Cancer: PAP test
Women age 21–65
Every 3 years
Cervical Cancer: HPV and PAP test Women age 30–65 Every 5 years, or just Pap test every 3 years (If an HPV test is positive, screenings should be annual)††
Breast Cancer: Clinical Breast Exam
Women age 20+
At your regular checkup
Breast Cancer: Mammography Women age 40+ Every year
Prostate Cancer Men: Discuss with your doctor Discuss with your doctor
Lung Cancer Current/former smokers within the past 15 years, age 50 to 80, who smoked 1 pack/day for 20 years or 2 packs/day for 10 years. Annual

* Talk to your doctor if you smoke; are overweight; have high blood pressure, diabetes or a history of gestational diabetes; have a family history of diabetes, heart disease or stroke; or are at risk for coronary artery disease.

† For all cancer screenings, talk to your doctor about your history and see if you need to get additional tests at an earlier age.

† For all cancer screenings, talk to your doctor about your history and see if you need to get additional tests at an earlier age.


†† The HPV test looks for infections that are likely to cause cervical cancer, and can be used alone or at the same time as the Pap test.

†† The HPV test looks for infections that are likely to cause cervical cancer, and can be used alone or at the same time as the Pap test.

Sources: American Academy of Family Physicians; American Cancer Society; U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

Resistance Band and Yoga/Pilates Workout

Consult your doctor before starting any exercise regimen.

Browse the Wellness section of the Benefits Channel video library for tips, low-impact workouts and more.




Chair Yoga

What Can You Do to Improve Your Physical Health?

Start with healthy habits and achievable goals – then work up from there!

Try This!

Every bit of exercise counts, so get creative!

  • Recruit a walking buddy to stay committed
  • Try an online dance class
  • Get off the bus/subway one stop earlier
  • Take the stairs when you can
  • Park in the far corner of parking lot
  • Walk around the house during TV commercial breaks
  • Do squats while brushing your teeth
Sleep Does a Body Good

Make time to rest and recharge to help your mind and body stay sharp. Try these habits for getting a good night’s rest:

  • Set a consistent bedtime (even if you can’t stick to it every day)
  • Skip caffeine, alcohol and heavy meals late in the day
  • Avoid late-afternoon/evening workouts
  • Wind down with a book or a quick meditation
  • Skip all screens at least one hour before sleep
  • Keep your bedroom on the cool side (60–67°)
  • Get regular exercise!
Calorie Burn!

No matter what you do, moving matters. Here are the calorie burns for a few 30-minute workouts. Use this Exercise Calculator to find out how many calories your favorite activity burns and just do it!

(30 mins)
(4 mph)
135 175 189
(5 mph)
240 288 336
Dancing 165 198 231
Swimming 180 216 252
Water aerobics 120 144 168
Low-impact aerobics 165 198 231
Stair-step machine 180 216 252
Stationary cycling 210 252 294
Elliptical trainer 270 324 399
Basketball 240 288 336
Gardening 135 162 189

Source: Harvard Health


73% Percentage of U.S. workplaces that offer wellness programs.

60% Percentage improvement that high-intensity exercise has on cardiovascular disease risk.

Source: PLOS Medicine

33% Percentage that regular exercise reduces the risk of all-cause mortality in adults who are active for 150 minutes per week.

Source: CDC

76% Percentage of regular exercisers who reported better sleep quality.

69 million: The number of gym members in the U.S.

58% Percentage that physical activity and moderate weight loss decrease Type 2 diabetes risk.

Source: CDC

Fitness Classes

  • Retirees: Latin Cardio Dance

    Friday, March 14, at 11:00 am

    An exhilarating cardio class set to Latin music that uses easy-to-follow choreography to keep you moving and grooving while toning your body and burning fat.

    Meeting ID: 861 3295 5230

  • Dance

    Saturday, March 15, at 10:00 am

    Ready to exercise your way to better health? Join the Benefit Funds’ all-new two-month series of exercise classes for members. Get into the groove with an African dance class, all from the comfort and convenience of your own home.
  • Retirees: Tai Chi

    Monday, March 17, at 11:00 am

    Experience a gentle breath and movement meditation to help you feel more open, limber and calm.

    Meeting ID: 848 6128 3210

  • Retirees: Standing Yoga

    Tuesday, March 18, at 1:00 pm

    This class connects the body, breath, and mind. It uses standing postures, breathing exercises, and meditation to improve overall health.

    Meeting ID: 842 7889 6267


Move Your Way

Access free or reduced-cost community services and programs close to where you live or work with Search for support in your community, including housing assistance, emotional well-being resources, child care, legal help and more.

Visit to get started.

findhelp Logo

Programs at Your Worksite

As an 1199SEIU member, you may have access to programs where you work to help you live a healthy lifestyle.

The information contained in this site is for educational and informational purposes only and is not intended as health or medical advice. Always consult a physician or other qualified health provider regarding any questions you may have about a medical condition or health objectives. See terms of use.

**$25 shop credit + shipping on us offer terms: You must purchase a WW membership plan between 6/1/23 and 7/31/23 to get a $25 WW Shop Credit that can be used at the WW Shop at You will receive the credit via email within 5 to 7 days of signup. Available only where membership plans are offered through your employer or health plan, and in participating areas only. One per member. Credit must be redeemed by 8/31/23. Some products may be excluded. Free shipping is applicable on standard ground shipping to a single continental U.S. delivery address only. Offer not available to current members. Non-transferable. Offer is subject to change without notice.

Health Is The Key, a podcast for 1199SEIU members